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Test on Places and Movement

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1) Nitrogen is largely an inert gas and liquefies easily.

            (A) a prevalent   (B) a motionless            (C) a stagnant   (D) a unique

2)  In 1861, the North and South were on the brink of war.

       (A) rim                               (B) margin                          (C) ege                              (D) frontier

3) Licorice is extracted from the liquorice plant which belongs to the family of beans.

       (A) dragged from                (B) projected from               (C) taken from                    (D) ejected from

4) After being dormant for 129 years, Mount S1. Helens erupted.

            (A) inactive        (B) inert.            (C) stagnant        (D) static

5) Leeches were once commonly used to draw blood.

            (A) drag (B) eject    (C) heave    (D) extract

6) The seeds of the maple are scattered by the wind.

            (A) stirred          (B) itinerant                (C) dispersed               (D) dragged

7) Penguins are not very agile

            (A) itinerant       (B) active           (C) stationary     (D) stirring

8) In his stirring speech "I Have a Dream," Martin Luther King described the future of racial harmony.

       (A) moving                         (B) active                            (C) agile                            (D) static

9) Squid use the force of their ten long arms to propel themselves through the water.

       (A) scatter                         (B) push                            (C) catch                           (D) drag

10) Stagnant water around a home should always be removed, as it is a breeding place for mosquitos.

       (A) Moving                         (B) Swirling                        (C) Still                              (D) Muddy

11) The small Cupeno native tribe flourished from pre-Colombian times to 1903 and lived in the mountains bordering
        today's San Diego County.

       (A) touching the edge of;                                             (8) at some distance from

       (C) within the limits of                                                  (D) in the middle of

12) During hibernation, animals remain dormant and their heart rate, breathing, and temperature are very low.

(A) awake          (B) agile     (C) comfortable      (D) motionless


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